Sluisweg 10 | 5145 PE Waalwijk | Netherlands +31 416 689 111
Contact us | stahl.com
We welcome your feedback and suggestions regarding this ESG report. Click here to share your input.

2023 milestones
ESG Roadmap
to 2030
Our purpose
World leaders in speciality coatings
Driving values
A word
from our CEO
Data verified and validated by Deloitte

2023 was the first interim milestone year in our ESG Roadmap to 2030.
Here is an update of some key 2023 milestones.
Our ESG milestones in 2023

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On health and safety, Stahl reported a three-year trend
of improvement in our key safety KPIs in December 2023.
We came close to achieving our 2023 target of 100% of Stahl employees trained in diversity, equality and inclusion, with 98% of employees trained. On diversity, we achieved our 2023 target of one woman in the Leadership Team and came in just under our target of 25% women in the Extended Leadership Team and heads of function category.
Another important milestone was the achievement of our EcoVadis Platinum rating - a target originally set for 2023, but achieved one year ahead of schedule in 2022. Stahl also exceeded its 2023 target of an average EcoVadis rating of at least 60/100 for our top ten suppliers, with an average rating of 68/100 reported in December 2023.
Progress with social
and governance targets
Among the targets set for 2023, we achieved our target of having three production sites using on-site renewable energy (solar panels are already installed at four Stahl sites and supply more than 37% of their electricity demand: Brazil, Mexico, India and Singapore).
The year also brought progress with our climate change ambitions. We put in place a robust set of targets to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, which were validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in May 2023.
We also made progress on our climate resilience and adaptation plan with the completion of a rigorous physical climate risk assessment at our manufacturing sites, thanks to a tailor-made tool we developed for this purpose.
One of our biggest advances in 2023 was in the collection of environmental impact data. Stahl's original target for 2023 was to have life cycle assessment (LCA) data for 50 products. As of December 2023, full LCA or product carbon footprint (PCF) data has been calculated for 353 of Stahl’s strategic products, representing 47% of our total sales revenue.
2023 also brought the certification of 2,160 Stahl products to the latest MRSL (3.1) from ZDHC, representing 70% of total sales and over 90% of leather revenue.
Forward momentum with our
environmental commitments

Stahl has set out an ESG Roadmap to 2030.
Targets and key performance indicators (KPIs) are organised under three pillars:
Environmental impact, social impact and governance.
Supply chain
ESG incentives
Diversity in leadership
Ethical behaviour
Social commitment
Human rights
Human capital
Health and safety
Raw materials
Stahl products
Climate change & climate resilience

Stahl is assessed on most of its ESG key performance indicators by a third-party auditor (Deloitte in 2023) selected by Wendel, Stahl’s majority shareholder. This assessment is focused on material topics related to the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). The annual report on Stahl’s ESG performance in the Wendel Universal Registration Document (URD) is available to view in the latest Wendel URD here. Many of the KPIs reported in the Wendel URD are also covered in this ESG report.
Stahl’s ESG Roadmap to 2030

Employees participated in volunteering initiatives
Stahl's ESG commitments are based on seven principles:
The Stahl ESG Roadmap is a list of commitments and targets for 2030, supported by KPIs and aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 2023 was a milestone year in Stahl's ESG Roadmap, providing the first set of environmental, social and governance commitments and targets that underpin our sustainability ambitions.
Our purpose is an integral part of how we think, act, work, plan and communicate as a company. It encapsulates our commitment to addressing today’s critical industrial, social and environmental challenges, and working with our value chain partners to create a better future for people and the planet. Around the world, Stahl employees live our purpose through their work and actions. In 2023, we also introduced our ‘Volunteer day’ programme, giving all colleagues the opportunity to give back to society and their local communities by spending one work day each year volunteering with a charity of their choice.
Living our purpose
At Stahl, we are about more than just the products we make or the services we provide.
We aim to be part of something greater – by connecting with the world around us and adding value to people’s lives. This goal is embodied in our purpose: Touching lives, for a better world.

Learning Centres

(+ 3 ICP ISG sites); 50% located in emerging markets

(excl. ICP)
Gateway Level 3


ISO 14001-certified

Hear from Stahl's CEO, Maarten Heijbroek, as he introduces our 2023 ESG Report and his personal highlights from the past year.
Our Purpose:
Touching lives,
for a better world
Stahl is the world leader in speciality coatings and treatments for flexible substrates. Our solutions are touched by consumers around the world, as they are applied to essential everyday materials across countless industries and markets, from automotive interiors to apparel, luxury goods, footwear, packaging and home furnishings.
Stahl’s story began in 1930 in Peabody, Massachusetts, when it began to supply finishing chemicals to local leather manufacturers. In the century since, Stahl has become a leading global organisation with approximately 1,900 employees. Headquartered in Waalwijk, the Netherlands, we are supported by a network of nine Centres of Excellence, 14 manufacturing sites and more than 51 strategically located application laboratories. Stahl also has sales offices in 21 countries.
We operate mainly in Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Singapore, Spain, Turkey and the United States. We are active (producing, sourcing and selling) in more than 70 countries.
Three strong pillars to grow our business
In April 2023, Stahl completed the acquisition of the ICP Industrial Solutions Group (ISG), a global specialty packaging coatings business. Following the acquisition, we now have three pillars on which to grow our business further: Leather, Performance Coatings and Packaging Coatings. This structure is supported by our business model of customer intimacy, innovative mindset and ESG leadership.
2023 is the 11th edition of Stahl’s annual ESG Report. The report was originally launched in 2013 to provide stakeholders with greater understanding and transparency surrounding our activities. Sustainability reporting has evolved significantly since then and its scope is widening.
In 2023, Stahl took significant steps towards addressing the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which will come into effect in 2025. Indeed, CSRD disclosures will soon be the central feature of our ESG reporting.
This report summarises our achievements and activities from 2023 related to our environment, social and governance commitments. The report also provides an update on progress with the targets established in Stahl’s ESG Roadmap to 2030, including safety and health, ambitious climate mitigation targets, and its transformation into a more diverse and inclusive company.
Eleven years and counting

Leather, Fabrics, Elastomer, Film,
Paper and Bio-based substrates
Ensure a safe working environment and a diverse culture for our employees.
Nurture diversity
Nurture diversity and inclusion to continuously improve employee skills and company attractiveness.
Consolidate leadership
Consolidate Stahl’s ESG leadership position by engaging with influential NGOs and IGOs on responsible chemistry, positioning ourselves as a trusted and knowledgeable partner.
Sustainable procurement
Sustainable procurement approach to collaborate with suppliers and customers to strengthen ESG standards throughout the value chain.
Promote sustainability
Promote a sustainable development mindset to
motivate Stahl employees worldwide.
Ethical behaviour
Foster ethical behaviour by providing training and robust compliance programmes.
Minimise impact
Continuously minimise direct environmental impact and carbon footprint.

Think beyond boundaries

Go for it!

Always contribute to a sustainable future

One team, one task, one Stahl

coatings AND TREATMENTS for flexible substrates
of Stahl everywhere
Automotive | Apparel | Luxury Goods | Footwear Packaging | Home Furnishings

Sluisweg 10 | 5145 PE Waalwijk | Netherlands +31 416 689 111
Contact us | stahl.com
We welcome your feedback and suggestions regarding this ESG report. Click here to share your input.

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On health and safety, Stahl reported a three-year trend
of improvement in our key safety KPIs in December 2023.
We came close to achieving our 2023 target of 100% of Stahl employees trained in diversity, equality and inclusion, with 98% of employees trained. On diversity, we achieved our 2023 target of one woman in the Leadership Team and came in just under our target of 25% women in the Extended Leadership Team and heads of function category.
Another important milestone was the achievement of our EcoVadis Platinum rating - a target originally set for 2023, but achieved one year ahead of schedule in 2022. Stahl also exceeded its 2023 target of an average EcoVadis rating of at least 60/100 for our top ten suppliers, with an average rating of 68/100 reported in December 2023.
Progress with social
and governance targets
Among the targets set for 2023, we achieved our target of having three production sites using on-site renewable energy (solar panels are already installed at four Stahl sites and supply more than 37% of their electricity demand: Brazil, Mexico, India and Singapore).
The year also brought progress with our climate change ambitions. We put in place a robust set of targets to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, which were validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in May 2023.
We also made progress on our climate resilience and adaptation plan with the completion of a rigorous physical climate risk assessment at our manufacturing sites, thanks to a tailor-made tool we developed for this purpose.
One of our biggest advances in 2023 was in the collection of environmental impact data. Stahl's original target for 2023 was to have life cycle assessment (LCA) data for 50 products. As of December 2023, full LCA or product carbon footprint (PCF) data has been calculated for 353 of Stahl’s strategic products, representing 47% of our total sales revenue.
2023 also brought the certification of 2,160 Stahl products to the latest MRSL (3.1) from ZDHC, representing 70% of total sales and over 90% of leather revenue.
Forward momentum with our
environmental commitments
Gateway-certified products

certified manufacturing sites
Scope 2 absolute emissions:-54%
held by women
rating 2022-2023
latest MRSL (3.0)
2023 was the first interim milestone year in our ESG Roadmap to 2030.
Here is an update of some key 2023 milestones.
Our ESG milestones in 2023

Supply chain
ESG incentives
Diversity in leadership
Ethical behaviour
Social commitment
Human rights
Human capital
Health and safety
The Stahl ESG Roadmap is a list of commitments and targets for 2030, supported by KPIs and aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 2023 was a milestone year in Stahl's ESG Roadmap, providing the first set of environmental, social and governance commitments and targets that underpin our sustainability ambitions.
Raw materials
Stahl products
Climate change & climate resilience
Stahl has set out an
ESG Roadmap to 2030.
Targets and key performance indicators (KPIs) are organised under three pillars:
Environmental impact, social impact and governance.
Sustainable procurement
Sustainable procurement approach to collaborate with suppliers and customers to strengthen ESG standards throughout the value chain.
Nurture diversity
Nurture diversity and inclusion to continuously improve employee skills and company attractiveness.
Ensure a safe working environment and a diverse culture for our employees.
Promote sustainability
Promote a sustainable development mindset to
motivate Stahl employees worldwide.
Ethical behaviour
Foster ethical behaviour by providing training and robust compliance programmes.
Stahl’s ESG Roadmap to 2030
Consolidate leadership
Consolidate Stahl’s ESG leadership position by engaging with influential NGOs and IGOs on responsible chemistry, positioning ourselves as a trusted and knowledgeable partner.

Stahl is assessed on most of its ESG key performance indicators by a third-party auditor (Deloitte in 2023) selected by Wendel, Stahl’s majority shareholder. This assessment is focused on material topics related to the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). The annual report on Stahl’s ESG performance in the Wendel Universal Registration Document (URD) is available to view in the latest Wendel URD here. Many of the KPIs reported in the Wendel URD are also covered in this ESG report.
Minimise impact
Continuously minimise direct environmental impact and carbon footprint.
Stahl's ESG commitments are based on seven principles:

Employees participated in volunteering initiatives
Our purpose is an integral part of how we think, act, work, plan and communicate as a company. It encapsulates our commitment to addressing today’s critical industrial, social and environmental challenges, and working with our value chain partners to create a better future for people and the planet. Around the world, Stahl employees live our purpose through their work and actions. In 2023, we also introduced our ‘Volunteer day’ programme, giving all colleagues the opportunity to give back to society and their local communities by spending one work day each year volunteering with a charity of their choice.
Living our purpose
Touching lives,
for a better world
Our Purpose:
At Stahl, we are about more than just the products we make or the services we provide.
We aim to be part of something greater – by connecting with the world around us and adding value to people’s lives. This goal is embodied in our purpose: Touching lives, for a better world.
Stahl is the world leader in speciality coatings and treatments for flexible substrates. Our solutions are touched by consumers around the world, as they are applied to essential everyday materials across countless industries and markets, from automotive interiors to apparel, luxury goods, footwear, packaging and home furnishings.
Stahl’s story began in 1930 in Peabody, Massachusetts, when it began to supply finishing chemicals to local leather manufacturers. In the century since, Stahl has become a leading global organisation with approximately 1,900 employees. Headquartered in Waalwijk, the Netherlands, we are supported by a network of nine Centres of Excellence, 14 manufacturing sites and more than 51 strategically located application laboratories. Stahl also has sales offices in 21 countries.
We operate mainly in Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Singapore, Spain, Turkey and the United States. We are active (producing, sourcing and selling) in more than 70 countries.
Three strong pillars to grow our business
In April 2023, Stahl completed the acquisition of the ICP Industrial Solutions Group (ISG), a global specialty packaging coatings business. Following the acquisition, we now have three pillars on which to grow our business further: Leather, Performance Coatings and Packaging Coatings. This structure is supported by our business model of customer intimacy, innovative mindset and ESG leadership.

ISO 14001-certified

Gateway Level 3


Think beyond boundaries
Go for it!

Always contribute to a sustainable future
One team, one task, one Stahl

(+ 3 ICP ISG sites); 50% located in emerging markets

Leather, Fabrics, Elastomer, Film,
Paper and Bio-based substrates
Automotive | Apparel | Luxury Goods | Footwear Packaging | Home Furnishings
coatings AND TREATMENTS for flexible substrates
Hear from Stahl's CEO, Maarten Heijbroek, as he introduces our 2023 ESG Report and his personal highlights from the past year.
Eleven years and counting

2023 is the 11th edition of Stahl’s annual ESG Report. The report was originally launched in 2013 to provide stakeholders with greater understanding and transparency surrounding our activities. Sustainability reporting has evolved significantly since then and its scope is widening.
In 2023, Stahl took significant steps towards addressing the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which will come into effect in 2025. Indeed, CSRD disclosures will soon be the central feature of our ESG reporting.
This report summarises our achievements and activities from 2023 related to our environment, social and governance commitments. The report also provides an update on progress with the targets established in Stahl’s ESG Roadmap to 2030, including safety and health, ambitious climate mitigation targets, and its transformation into a more diverse and inclusive company.
little bit of Stahl everywhere

2023 milestones
ESG Roadmap to 2030
ESG commitments
Our purpose
World leaders inspeciality coatings
Driving values
A word from our CEO